Conversion test
  • 12 Jul 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Conversion test

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Article summary

Conversion test

After you have added your app in the Tenjin Dashboard and have integrated the Tenjin SDK successfully in your app, we recommend testing that your campaigns are working correctly for tracking. To do a conversion test for a new app that uses Tenjin, here are the steps:

Note: if your ad network has specific instructions for testing campaigns and callbacks, please follow their documentation, but remember to always use a clean device when testing campaign tracking for your app.

  1. Make sure to use a fresh device that hasn't downloaded the app before. If you already downloaded the app with your device, please uninstall the app, and reset your advertising_id following the instructions below.

    • iOS: If you uninstall all the apps from the same vendor, the device ID will be reset automatically when you download the app the next time.
    • Android: Follow the instructions in this link:

  2. Go to the campaign you want to test in the Tenjin dashboard, and copy your click tracking link. If you don’t have access to the Tenjin dashboard, ask your client to give you the tracking link.

  3. Replace macro for advertising_id with your actual advertising_id (IDFA or Google advertising id). If you want to know your advertising_id, here are some useful apps/websites that explain where you can find it.

    • iOS:
    • Android:

  4. If the tracking link includes campaign_id parameter, make sure to use the test campaign ID as a value. (For example, campaign_id=test)

  5. Make sure your app has an install callback configured on the Tenjin dashboard here.

  6. Copy the tracking link and paste into the browser in your phone, and open the url. Don’t open the link directly from an email client. Download and open the app.

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