China Android Store
  • 12 Jul 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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China Android Store

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Article summary

Overview of the Android market in China

China’s Android ecosystem is untapped with many opportunities for app developers to expand their presence globally. Tenjin supports any Android analytics measurement outside of Google Play. If you're marketing outside of China and your app is also not on Goolge play, please follow the instructions described here for attribution. Below are a few important characteristics about how we support Android out-of-store market in China.

  • Since Google Play service is not available in China, Tenjin developed a specific Android SDK (version above 1.12.5) to get specific device identifies, such as OAID and IMEI for attribution.
  • We support any type of device that's available, if we can get the device identifiers above.
  • There are many fragmented out-of-stores in China Android market. We made the integration flexible to support any type of store by just putting the store URL or the URL that hosts the apk file on Tenjin dashboard.

Please follow the below steps to start tracking Android out-of-store campaigns using Tenjin.

1. SDK integration

Please implement this specific part for Android SDK.

2. Adding an Android other app

Go to CONFIGURE -> Apps page on Tenjin dashboard, and add Android Other app as below.


The destination URL will be app store URL or the URL that hosts the Android apk file. You can change the destination URL later when you click Edit from the app page.


3. Set up campaigns

On this page, create campaigns and get the click and impression tracking URL. This step of the process is similar to that of the other campaigns.

That's it! If you have any questions, please send an email to

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