  • 31 Jan 2025
  • 11 Minutes to read
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What Metrics are included in the Tenjin Dashboard?

The Tenjin dashboard allows app developers to quickly access common analyses that marketers use to make decisions. The following video explains how we calculate some cohorted and non-cohorted metrics at Tenjin.

Metric Tooltips

Now you can hover over the metric name at the top of the columns in the dashboard to learn the metric definition and the formula.

Below is a complete list of metrics and common cohorts available in the Tenjin dashboard.

List of metrics

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User-Acquisition Metrics

report typeabbreviated namefull namedescription
UAIn App Purchase LTVIn App Purchase LTVAverage In App Purchase Amount ($)
UALifetime IAP ROILifetime IAP ROIAverage In App Purchase ROI Percentage (%)
UAIn App Purchase LTV / UserIn App Purchase LTV / UserAverage In App Purchase LTV per User Amount ($)
UAN-Day IAP LTV / UserN-Day IAP LTV / UserAverage N-Day In App Purchase LTV per User Amount ($)
UAIAP RevIAP RevenueTotal In App Purchase Amount ($)
UAN-Day IAP LTVN-Day IAP LTVCumulative IAP revenue N days after install
UAAd RevAd RevenueTotal Ad Revenue Amount estimated by Tenjin ($)
UAAd Mediation RevenueAd Mediation RevenueTotal Ad Mediation Value ($)
UAAd Revenue LTVAd Revenue LTVTotal Ad Revenue LTV Amount estimated by Tenjin ($)
UALifetime Ad ROILifetime Ad ROIAverage Ad ROI Percentage (%)
UAAd Revenue LTV / UserAd Revenue LTV / UserTotal Ad Revenue estimated by Tenjin per User Amount ($)
UAAd Mediation LTV / UserAd Mediation LTV / UserN-Day Ad Mediation LTV per user ($)
UAN-Day Adrev LTVN-Day Ad Revenue LTVCumulative ad revenue N days after install
UAN-Day Ad Mediation LTVN-Day Ad Mediation LTVCumulative Ad Mediation revenue N days after install ($)
UAN-Day Adrev LTV / UserN-Day Ad Revenue LTV / UserAverage N-Day Ad Revenue LTV estimated by Tenjin per User Amount ($)
UATotal ARPDAUTotal Revenue per Daily Active UsersAverage amount of Total Revenue (IAP + Ad) per DAU ($)
UAIAP ARPDAUIAP Revenue Per Daily Active UsersAverage amount of IAP Revenue per DAU ($)
UAAd ARPDAUAd Revenue Per Daily Active UsersAverage amount of Ad Revenue per DAU ($)
UAAd Mediation ARPDAUAd Mediation Revenue Per Daily Active UsersAverage amount of Ad Mediation Revenue per DAU ($)
UATotal Ad Mediation ARPDAUTotal Ad Mediation Revenue Per Daily Active UsersAverage amount of Total Ad Mediation Revenue per DAU
UATotal RevTotal RevenueTotal Revenue Amount (IAP + Ad) ($)
UATotal LTVTotal LTVTotal LTV (IAP + Ad Revenue)
UALifetime Total ROASLifetime Total ROASAverage Lifetime Total ROAS Percentage (%)
UAN-Day Total Ad Mediation ROASN-Day Total Ad Mediation ROASAverage N-Day ROAS Percentage (%) Amount of cumulative total Ad Mediation revenue N days after install divided by spend
UAN-Day Total Ad Mediation ROIN-Day Total Ad Mediation ROIAverage N-Day ROI Percentage (%) Amount of cumulative total Ad Mediation + IAP Revenue (total revenue N days after install - spend) divided by spend
UATotal Ad Mediation LTVTotal Ad Mediation LTVTotal Ad Mediation LTV
UATotal Ad Mediation ROASTotal Ad Mediation ROASTotal Ad Mediation ROAS
UATotal Ad Mediation ROITotal Ad Mediation ROITotal Ad Mediation ROI
UALifetime Total ROILifetime Total ROIAverage Lifetime Total ROI Percentage (%)
UATotal LTV / UserTotal LTV / UserTotal Revenue (IAP + Ad) per User Amount ($)
UAN-Day Total LTVN-Day Total LTVCumulative total revenue (IAP + ad revenue) N days after the install
UAN-Day Total Ad Mediation LTVN-Day Total Ad Mediation LTVCumulative total revenue (IAP + ad mediation) N days after the install
UAN-Day ROASN-Day ROASAverage N-Day ROAS Percentage (%) Amount of cumulative total revenue N days after install divided by spend
UAN-Day ROIN-Day ROIAverage N-Day ROI Percentage (%) Amount of cumulative total profit (total revenue N days after install - spend) divided by spend
UAN-Day Total LTV / UserN-Day Total LTV / UserCumulative total revenue (IAP + ad revenue) N days after install divided by total users on 0-Day
UATotal LTV / UserTotal LTV / UserCumulative total revenue (IAP + ad revenue) divided by tracked installs
UAN-Day Total Ad Mediation LTV / UserN-Day Total Ad Mediation LTV / UserCumulative total revenue (IAP + ad mediation) N days after install divided by tracked installs
UADAUDaily Active UsersNumber of unique users (advertising_id) per day
UAN-Day UsersN-Day Retained UsersTotal number of users retained after N-Day of installing the app
UALifetime RetLifetime RetentionCohorted N-day Retention Rate
UAN-Day Ret %N-Day Retention RateAverage N-Day Retention Rate Percentage (%)
UATotal Fraud EventsTotal Fraud EventsSum of blocked clicks and fradulent purchases
UABlocked ClicksBlocked ClicksThe number of clicks we blocked based on mean time to install(MTTI). We currently use 1 second for the MTTI threshold as default.
UABlocked Device EventsBlocked Device EventsNumber of test device events
UAFradulent PurchasesFraudulent PurchasesNumber of purchases marked as fradulent
UABlocked Fradulent RevBlocked Fraudulent RevenueTotal Blocked Fraudulent Revenue Amount ($)
UAReported ClicksReported ClicksNumber of times the ad was clicked reported by Ad Networks
UAClicks DiffClicks DifferenceTotal Clicks Difference. Formula : Reported Clicks - Tracked Clicks
UAClicks Difference PercentClicks Difference PercentAverage Clicks Difference Percentage (%) Formula : 100 - 100 * Tracked Clicks / Reported Clicks
UALifetime Cost / UserLifetime Cost per Retained UserCohorted cost per N-day Retained User
UACPCCost-Per-Click (CPC)Average CPC Amount ($) spend/reported clicks
UACPICost-Per-Install (CPI)Average CPI Amount ($) spend/reported installs
UACPMCost-Per-1000-Impressions (CPM)Average CPM Amount ($) 1000 * spend/reported impressions
UACPRCompletion Rate (CPR)Average CPR Percentage (%) 100 * reported installs / reported impressions
UACTRClick-Through-Rate (CTR)Average CTR Percentage (%) 100* reported clicks / reported impressions
UACVRConversion Rate (CVR)Average CVR Percentage (%) 100 * reported installs / reported clicks
UAImpressionsReported ImpressionsNumber of times your ad was displayed
UAReported InstallsReported InstallsNumber of installs reported by Ad Networks
UAInstalls DiffInstalls DifferenceTotal Installs Difference. Reported Installs - Tracked Installs
UAInstalls Difference PercentInstalls Difference PercentAverage Installs Difference Percentage (%). 100 - 100 * Tracked Installs / Reported Installs
UALifetime Active Days / UserLifetime Active Days Per UserAverage number of active days for a user
UASessionsSessionsAverage Sessions
UALifetime Sess / UserLifetime Sessions Per UserAverage Sessions per User
UASpendSpendAmount spent to acquire users (in USD)
UAtCPICost-Per-Tracked Install (tCPI)Average tCPI Amount ($) spend / tracked installs
UATracked ClicksTracked ClicksNumber of times your ad was clicked (Tenjin tracked)
UATracked CVRTracked Conversion Rate (CVR)Average CVR Percentage (%) 100 * tracked installs / tracked clicks
UATracked ImpressionsTracked ImpressionsNumber of impressions tracked by Tenjin
UATracked InstallsTracked InstallsNumber of Installs tracked by Tenjin
UATracked ReinstallsTracked ReinstallsNumber of Reinstalls tracked by Tenjin
UACP N-Day UserCost per N-Day Retained UserCost per users that comes back N days after install (installs here are reported by the ad network). Formula - spend * (users_0d/reported installs) / users_Nd
UAN-Day SessN-Day SessionsNumber of times an app was opened after post install on the day of install (N day)
UACP K N-Day SessionsCost per 1000 N-Day SessionsAverage Cost per 1000 N-Day Sessions Amount ($)
UAPurchasersUnique PurchasersNumber of the unique purchasers
UATransactionsPurchase TransactionsNumber of the total purchase counts
UAN-Day Cost / PurchaseN-Day Cost Per Purchase TransactionsCost divided by cumulative total purchase counts N days after the install
UAN-Day Cost / PurchaserN-Day Cost Per Returning PurchaserCost divided by returning purchase user N days after the install
UAN-Day Cumul RevenueN-Day Cumulative Purchase RevenueCumulative purchase revenue N days after the install
UAN-Day Revenue / UserN-Day Cumulative Purchase Revenue per Acquired UserCumulative purchase revenue N days after the install, divided by the number of acquired users
UAN-Day Cumul TxnsN-Day Cumulative Purchase TransactionsCumulative purchase counts N days after the install
UAN-Day Txns per UserN-Day Cumulative Purchase Transactions per Acquired UserCumulative purchase counts N days after the install, divided by the number of acquired users
UAN-Day ParticipationN-Day Purchaser ParticipationPercent of unique purchasers N days after the install out of the number of acquired users
UAN-Day PurchasersN-Day Unique PurchasersCumulative unique purchasers N days after the install
UAAverageAverage Purchase Value per TransactionTotal purchase revenue, divided by total purchase counts
UARevenuePurchase RevenueTotal purchase revenue

Ad Monetization Metrics

report typeabbreviated namefull namedescription
AMReported Ad RevenueReported Ad RevenueTotal Ad Revenue reported by Ad Network ($)
AMeCPCEffective Cost per Click (eCPC)Ad Revenue per Click ($)
AMeCPMEffective Cost per Mille (eCPM)Ad Revenue per 1000 Impressions ($)
AMReported ClicksReported ClicksTotal Clicks reported by Ad Network
AMImpressionsReported ImpressionsTotal Impressions reported by Ad Network

SKAdnetwork Metrics

report typeabbreviated namefull namedescription
SKANConversionsConversionsNumber of Conversion postbacks forwarded by Ad Networks (includes redownloads and first downloads)
SKANConversion Value AverageConversion Value AverageAverage of Conversion Values forwarded by Ad Networks (includes redownloads and first downloads)
SKANConversion Value TotalConversion Value TotalSum of Conversion Values forwarded by Ad Networks (includes redownloads and first downloads)
SKANAd Network SKAN InstallsAd Network SKAN InstallsNumber of Conversion postbacks received for first downloads forwarded by Ad Networks
SKANFirst Download CV AvgFirst Download Conversion Value AverageAverage Conversion Value for first downloads forwarded by Ad Networks
SKANFirst Download CV TotalFirst Download Conversion Value TotalSum of Conversion Values for first downloads forwarded by Ad Networks
SKANRedownloadsRedownloadsNumber of Conversion postbacks received for redownloads forwarded by Ad Networks
SKANRedownload CV AvgRedownload Conversion Value AverageAverage Conversion Value for redownloads forwarded by Ad Networks
SKANRedownload CV TotalRedownload Conversion Value TotalSum of Conversion Values for redownloads forwarded by Ad Networks (includes redownloads and first downloads)
SKANAssistsAssistsAd network forwarded ad impressions that were shown to a user that ultimately downloaded the app, but were not awarded with an attribution. Introduced in SKAdNetwork 3.0, this corresponds to postbacks with did-win=false.
SKANRedownload AssistsRedownload AssistsNumber of Assist postbacks received for redownloads forwarded by Ad Networks
SKANFirst Download AssistsFirst Download AssistsNumber of Assist postbacks received for first downloads forwarded by Ad Networks
SKANApple ConversionsApple ConversionsNumber of Conversion postbacks forwarded by Apple (includes redownloads and first downloads)
SKANApple Conversion Value AverageApple Conversion Value AverageAverage of Conversion Values forwarded by Apple (includes redownloads and first downloads)
SKANApple Conversion Value TotalApple Conversion Value TotalSum of Conversion Values forwarded by Apple
SKANApple SKAN InstallsApple SKAN InstallsNumber of Conversion postbacks received for first downloads forwarded by Apple
SKANApple First Download CV AvgApple First Download CV AvgAverage Conversion Value for first downloads forwarded by Apple
SKANApple First Download CV TotalApple First Download CV TotalSum of Conversion Values for first downloads forwarded by Apple
SKANApple RedownloadsApple RedownloadsNumber of Conversion postbacks received for redownloads forwarded by Apple
SKANApple Redownload CV AvgApple Redownload CV AvgAverage Conversion Value for redownloads forwarded by Apple
SKANApple Redownload CV TotalApple Redownload Conversion Value TotalSum of Conversion Values for redownloads forwarded by Apple
SKANApple AssistsApple AssistsApple forwarded ad impressions that were shown to a user that ultimately downloaded the app, but were not awarded with an attribution. Introduced in SKAdNetwork 3.0, this corresponds to postbacks with did-win=false.
SKANApple Redownload AssistsApple Redownload AssistsNumber of Assist postbacks received for redownloads forwarded by Apple
SKANApple First Download AssistsApple First Download AssistsNumber of Assist postbacks received for first downloads forwarded by Apple
  • report type:
    • UA: User Acquistion
    • AM: Ad Monetization
    • SKAN: SKAdNetwork

All N-Day metrics are cohorted metrics and grouped by Acquisition Date. All other non-cohorted metrics are grouped by calendar date. Details below.

Common cohorts in the Tenjin dashboard

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Since a set of users can be defined as a cohort, Tenjin's dashboard looks at the most common cohorts to analyze marketing data.

Here are the following common cohorts that marketers usually want to understand:

  • Acquisition date - segmenting and grouping users by acquisition date is one of the most important things app marketers do. It allows marketers to calculate metrics like x-Day retention and x-Day LTV.

  • User dimensions - segmenting and grouping users by channel, campaign, country, and creative allows marketers to see metrics on different dimensions. Analyzing users by these dimensions reveals insights about which users want your app and which ones don't.

For all custom cohort analyses and optimizations, DataVault is a powerful tool that can provide these insights. DataVault marketers build custom cohorts based on various dimensions and metrics that are only accessible with raw data. As an example, downloading advertising_id level data allows marketers to build lookalike audiences for continuous campaign optimization.

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