  • 20 Apr 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

What is a Session?

A session is an occasion when a user interacts with an app. Sessions are usually triggered by the opening of an app, and are reported to a mobile measurement partner (MMP). A session records the frequency of app use to show developers, marketers, and product managers how many times users interact within an app.

Why are Sessions important?

Sessions can be analyzed in a way that reveals how users truly interact with an app as they are related to the life-time value (LTV) of users, especially for in-app advertising (IAA) apps. This is because usually for IAA apps, sessions are positively correlated to the number of ads displayed, and in-turn the ad revenue earned.

What are Cost per 1000 N-Day Sessions, and how are they calculated at Tenjin?

Cost per 1000 N-Day Sessions represent the average cost Cost per 1000 N-Day Sessions amount, and are calculated at Tenjin using the following formula:

1000 * Total Spend / Total App Opens on N-Day.

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