Aura from Unity
  • 23 Aug 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Aura from Unity

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Article summary

How to set up Aura from Unity campaigns

  1. Make sure you have added your Aura from Unity account in the channels tab. If you haven't added it yet, please follow the instructions here to setup your channel.


  1. Go to the campaigns tab, select your Aura from Unity account and create a campaign. If this is the first time you're creating a campaign for your app, you will see a message saying "callback to be created". Click the link and follow the instructions to setup your install callback.

  2. On the next page, click Aura from Unity install callback template.


  1. Once you save the callback, you can see the click and impression tracking URLs for ironSource on the campaign page as shown below.


  2. Contact your Aura from Unity Account Manager, and share with them the click and impression tracking URLs to be added to the campaigns.

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