LiveOps Campaigns
  • 02 Jul 2024
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LiveOps Campaigns

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Article summary

LiveOps Campaigns


The response from the LiveOps feature won’t always be real-time. We don’t have the guaranteed response time, so please implement the retry logic if you don’t get a response in time.

In Tenjin you can set up a custom user journey depending on their attribution source. This opens up a whole array of different opportunities for better and more innovative in-app experience.

Example 1: Give in-game rewards to users that came from a specific ad campaign (eg cross-promotional campaign).

Example 2: Set different user flows (onboarding, monetization, and others) depending on whether a user is coming from an advertising campaign or from an organic source.


LiveOps Campaigns is an add-on feature depending on our Tenjin plan. Please contact your Tenjin account manager or write to if you are interested.

How do LiveOps Campaigns work?

After attribution data is processed on a Tenjin server, it can be returned to a client (app) upon request. The data is then processed by the app and used to display in-app content accordingly.


Tenjin is covering only the data transition part of this workflow. Dynamic replacement of in-app content is the responsibility of app developers.

What attribution data can I pass to an app?

When available, the following parameters can be passed back to an app:

  • advertising_id
  • ad_network
  • campaign_id
  • campaign_name
  • site_id
  • creative_name
  • remote_campaign_id
  • click_id
  • deferred_deeplink
  • analytics_installation_id

Here is the example of how the returned data object may look like:

What do I need to set up LiveOps campaigns with Tenjin?

You will need the following:

  • Give a heads-up to that you want to enable this feature.
  • Make SDK changes according to the received instruction
  • Release a new version of an app that includes required SDK changes.

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