  • 23 Jun 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

How to analyze “Spend” in the User Acquisition Report

Tenjin has a dedicated view for analyzing your spend data for different campaigns in the User Acquisition Report. In this section, you will be able to drill down into your spend metrics, and access different charts related to your spend usage.

How can you access the “Spend” view in the User Acquisition Report? 

You can access this view by going into ANALYZE → User Acquisition tab and choosing Spend from the drop down menu.

What metrics can you access in the “Spend” view of the User Acquisition Report? 

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You can also analyze spend metrics such as CPI, CPC, CPM, etc under this view for a given date range. This allows you to gain valuable insights into how your spend metrics are changing over time in order to make bid adjustments.

A screenshot of a graph  Description automatically generated with low confidence

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