Upload Conversion Value Schema
  • 31 Jan 2025
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Upload Conversion Value Schema

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Article summary

How to Upload your conversion value schema on Tenjin


Please note this feature is currently available for Google Ads and TikTok.

  1. For Google Ads, please first add your Google Ad Account as per the steps here and ensure that your campaigns are active and spending.
  2. You must call our SKAN methods manually in the SDK (iOS). If you upload the SKAN CSV file but do not call the SKAN methods in the SDK, your campaigns may not function as intended, potentially resulting in revenue loss.
  3. For Google Ads, ensure that you have enabled the appropriate Google callbacks and entered the correct Google Link ID, otherwise the upload process cannot be completed.
  4. It is recommended that you create a google callback for each event in the CV file with the same custom_event_name -> google_event_name mappings (either the Google app_event_type or app_event_name (if app_event_type=custom) from the Google Ads App Conversion API).
  1. Select Apps from the 'CONFIGURE' tab.

  2. Choose the iOS app for which you want to configure a Conversion Value (CV) schema.

  3. Select the SKAdNetwork Tab.

  4. Under the SKADNETWORK CONFIGURATION section, ensure you have claimed the SKAN status as 'Verified'.

  5. Download the CSV template and fill in the details.

    1. For events that are milestone events - do not enter a min_range and max_range. For example, session event will have min_range and max_range as empty.
    2. For events that are revenue events - specify a range and currency.
      1. For e.g, min_range = 0.10 = max_range = 0.75, currency = USD.
      2. Make sure your ranges are continuous and without a gap, for e.g, cv1 = 0.10 to 0.75, cv2 = 0.75 to 1.5, cv3 = 1.5 to 3.
    3. For events that are not revenue events, do not specify a currency.
    4. For events that don’t have a range, enter the value in min_range only.
    5. For custom_event_name, specify an appropriate event name.
    6. Map the custom_event_name to its appropriate partner event name (For Google Ads please refer here).


    1. Do not set the conversion value 0, as it will always map to the install event.
    2. If you only want to configure SKAdNetwork 3.0 conversion value schema, just add fine conversion values in the CSV.
    3. For multiple events mapped to a single conversion value, list each event on a new line and repeat the conversion value for each entry. For e.g., conversion value - 2, is mapped to events level_10_achieved and ad_impression_revenue in the CSV template.


  1. Upload the CV schema in the CSV format. The uploaded schema will be seen on the dashboard.

  2. Once you upload the CSV file, the SKAN Features flag will be enabled automatically.

  3. If you decide to stop using SKAN in your campaigns, simply turn this feature off.

  4. To update your uploaded conversion value schema, click on 'Update csv' and upload a new file.

Please contact support@tenjin.com if you have any questions or issues.

SKAN Optimization for Google Ads

If you wish to optimize your campaigns based on the SKAN data sent to Google Ads, please reach out to your Google Ads Account Manager.

TikTok Update
  • Currently, transitioning between TikTok schema and Tenjin CV schema is not supported. If you'd like to use only Tenjin CV schema, please remove the TikTok SKAN configuration to prevent it from overriding the Tenjin CV schema. This ensures your setup is optimized for accurate tracking.
  • If you'd like to ensure that everything is working correctly end to end, please reach out to your TikTok support team.

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