Automation APIs
  • 05 Apr 2023
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Automation APIs

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Article summary

Tenjin Automation APIs

The Tenjin Automation APIs include the Reporting Metrics API and the Campaign Management API. This section describes the Tenjin APIs in detail and includes the steps to get access. Instructions to get an access token is included in the next section.

Tenjin Automation APIs is a paid feature. Please contact your account manager to discuss the pricing.

Campaign Management API

The Tenjin Campaign Management API is structured as a collection of RESTful resources that allows customers to interact with Tenjin campaign configuration resources without accessing the Tenjin dashboard. The main objective of this API is to enable customers to build internal tooling that would automate the campaign creation and bid management process.

With the Campaign Management API you can create, read, update and delete apps, channels, campaigns and callbacks - everything that’s needed to set up and manage a campaign with the external networks. All the actions are described here.


Reporting Metrics API

Tenjin integrates with ad network APIs to regularly pull cost and ad revenue metrics on multiple dimensions while simultaneously processing downstream metrics like retention and LTV through Tenjin’s SDKs and event based integrations. Once all this data is ingested and processed for marketing ROI/ROAS purposes, Tenjin normalizes the data into a single schema so marketers can pull all metrics from a single API on an apples to apples basis.

The Tenjin Reporting Metrics API endpoint allows you to pull reports via an API the same way you generate them in the Data Exporter tool. This is a data solution to retrieve all your Data Exporter metrics and to interact with saved reports that can be used to automate and organize reporting data fetching.

You can see the full list of metrics here.

API data will update every few hours. If you would like to use the Reporting API, please email


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