  • 10 Feb 2023
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Article summary

What is a Callback?

A callback, also known as postback, is a function in computer programming that is used to route real-time event data to ad networks, analytics tools or an advertiser’s own server.

When a certain action occurs within an application, a respective callback is triggered and sent to the destination. You can add various macros to callbacks to pass dynamically changing data. For example, macros such as {{advertising_id}}, {{ip_address}} or {{bundle_id}} that are placeholders for device properties can be added.

Callbacks are important as they help ad networks optimize their campaigns with the data they are sent through and they make advertisers feel confident by providing them with real-time data to make more timely, and data-driven, decisions.

Callbacks in Tenjin

You can check our documentation to read more about how to set up callbacks with Tenjin. Note that callbacks are configurable in each App page.

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