Filters and grouping
  • 30 Jun 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Filters and grouping

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Article summary

How to use filters and groups in the dashboard

Tenjin's dashboard interface allows you to change data filters and user dimension groupings quickly. Both the filters and groupings are located in the top left of the dashboard in blue.

Filtering data

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Tenjin allows you to filter Apps and Channels for any of the analyses on the page.

Filtering Apps

By selecting specific Apps in the Apps filter, you whitelist data and metrics to those specific apps in the analysis. You can also select all apps for the specific platform.


Filtering Channels

By selecting specific Channels in the Channels filter, you whitelist data and metrics to those specific channels in the analysis. You can also select all paid channels.


Filtering Countries

By selecting specific countries in the Countries filter, you whitelist data and metrics to those specific countries in the analysis.


It's possible to filter apps, channels and countries at the same time. In that case, you will be filtering data/metrics/analyses on the apps, channels and countries you selected.

Grouping data

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Grouping data allows you to see Tenjin analyses based on selected dimensions.


By default analyses on all tabs are grouped by App. This means that every analysis and their metrics are shown at the app level. If you change the grouping to any other dimension, all metrics in the dashboard will be shown for that dimension.
You can group by these parameters:

  • App
  • Channel
  • Campaign
  • Country
  • Site (Only if you select specific channel in the filter)
  • Targeting Tags

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