Reported Installs
  • 19 Apr 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Reported Installs

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Article summary

What are reported installs?

Reported installs are installs reported by ad networks through their APIs. They differ from tracked installs, which are tracked by your mobile measurement partner (MMP) through their SDK. More specifically, reported installs are defined as the number of installs that have been reported by each ad network based on their particular concept of attribution. We find that this article provides a comprehensive overview of how different ad networks calculate reported and tracked installs.

How are installs reported in Tenjin?

At Tenjin, we show both reported and tracked installs in the dashboard. Additionally, at Tenjin you can also see CPI and tCPI (cost per reported and and cost per tracked install respectively).

Having both metrics in one dashboard allows our users to compare the different install sources on an app, channel, and campaign level. We find that this article provides a good overview of the differences between the different ways to track installs. One key difference between reported and tracked installs is that organic installs would be placed under ‘tracked installs,’ but not under reported installs in the Tenjin dashboard. In order to make a fair comparison between the two ways of installs then, Tenjin allows you to deselect all the organic installs for your analysis.

Tracked vs Reported Installs - What you need to know

It’s crucial to understand the difference between tracked and reported installs. Please check our FAQ to find more information on this topic.

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