Total Revenue
  • 20 Apr 2023
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Total Revenue

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Article summary

What is Total Revenue?

Total Revenue is a crucial metric in measuring the success of any mobile marketing campaign. It is the sum of all revenue generated from a mobile app, including in-app purchases, subscriptions, and ad revenue.

How is Total Revenue calculated?

Total Revenue is calculated by adding up all revenue sources, including in-app purchases, subscriptions, and ad revenue, generated by a mobile app.

Why is Total Revenue important?

Total Revenue is important because it provides a clear picture of the overall financial success of a mobile app. It helps mobile app developers and marketers to understand how much revenue their app is generating and how they can optimize their app to increase revenue.

How can you increase Total Revenue?

There are several ways to increase Total Revenue, such as optimizing in-app purchases, creating subscription plans, and displaying relevant ads to users.

How can you measure Total Revenue?

You can measure Total Revenue using mobile app analytics tools, such as Tenjin. These tools provide insights into various metrics, including Total Revenue, and help mobile app developers and marketers optimize their app for increased revenue and ROI.

How is Total Revenue calculated at Tenjin?

At Tenjin, we calculate Total Revenue by aggregating revenue data from in-app purchases, and ad revenue, into a single dashboard. The formula looks like the following:

Total Revenue = In-app purchase (IAP) revenue + Ad Revenue

Our analytics tool provides detailed insights into revenue data, allowing mobile app developers and marketers to optimize their app for maximum revenue potential.

In conclusion, Total Revenue is a crucial metric in mobile marketing that provides insights into the overall financial success of a mobile app. By understanding how Total Revenue is calculated and measuring it using mobile app analytics tools, such as Tenjin, mobile app developers and marketers can optimize their app for increased revenue potential.

What is Total Revenue per Daily Active Users, and how is that calculated at Tenjin?

Another popular metric is Total Revenue per Daily Active Users, which is the average amount of total revenue (IAP + Ad Revenue) per DAU. It is calculated using the following formula at Tenjin:

Total Revenue per DAU = (In-app purchase (IAP) Revenue + Estimated Ad Revenue) / Number of users

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