  • 26 Jan 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Article summary

Setting up channels

Ad network integrations allow developers to acquire users through advertising and track the amount spent on those ad network campaigns.

Additionally, if your app monetizes by showing ads to users, Tenjin automatically aggregates the revenue generated.

Our integrations automatically pull cost data (when advertising) and ad revenue data (when monetizing).

Why is tracking ad spend important?

It's important to know how much you spend on marketing when you advertise your app.

Tenjin pulls your advertising spend into a single place. Regardless if you're advertising on Meta, Google, etc, Tenjin gets it all for you.

Tenjin normalizes the metrics that you find in individual ad network dashboards so that all your paid advertising is easy to compare apples to apples.

Why is tracking ad revenue important?

Ad revenue is important because that's money in the bank for you. If you want to understand how much money you make from the various ads you show to your users, tracking ad revenue is very important.

Tenjin pulls your advertising revenue into a single place. This takes the hassle of checking various dashboards to understand how much money your app generates from advertising.

How is ad spend and ad revenue data used in Tenjin?

After pulling ad spend and ad revenue data from the ad networks, Tenjin analyzes this information in a number of ways to get various insights from the data.

We provide several analyses that you can read about here.

List of major networks we support

Comprehensive Partners List

You can find a comprehensive list of our partners here

By default, we try to use UTC+0 timezone to pull data from ad-networks for the consistency. If ad-network reporting API doesn't support UTC+0 timezone option, we use the timezone set up in ad-network dashboard. This is usually the case for SAN networks.

ad spend

namecountry breakdowncurrencytimezone
Apple Search Adsavailablenetwork account specificUTC+0
Metaavailablenetwork account specificnetwork account specific
Google Adsavailablenetwork account specificnetwork account specific
Mintegralavailablenetwork account specificUTC+0
Snapchatnot availablenetwork account specificnetwork account specific
TikTok for Businessavailablenetwork account specificnetwork account specific
Unity AdsavailableUSDUTC+0
Liftoff Direct (Vungle)availableUSDUTC+0

ad revenue

namecountry breakdowncurrencytimezone
Meta Audiene NetworkavailableUSDUTC-8
Google AdMobavailableUSDnetwork account specific
Unity AdsavailableUSDUTC+0
Liftoff Monetize (Vungle)availableUSDUTC+0

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