  • 19 Apr 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Article summary

What are installs?

A mobile app install is counted anytime a user downloads an app and opens it for the first time. Installs are a key metric when determining the success of an app relative to your marketing ROI i.e how many installs an app generated after spending X dollars in marketing.

Why is it important to measure installs?

Measuring installs is important for several reasons, some of which are:

  1. Install metrics provide insight into the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. By tracking the number of installs over time, app developers and marketers can determine which marketing channels and campaigns are driving the most installs and adjust their strategy accordingly.

  2. Install metrics help app developers and marketers understand user acquisition costs. By tracking the number of installs and the corresponding marketing spend, app developers and marketers can calculate the cost per install (CPI) and optimize their campaigns to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

  3. Install metrics provide insight into user engagement. By tracking the number of installs over time, app developers and marketers can determine whether users are finding value in the app and continuing to use it or uninstalling it. This information can be used to identify problems with the app and make necessary improvements.

  4. Install metrics help app developers and marketers understand the size of their user base. By tracking the number of installs, app developers and marketers can get a sense of the size of their user base and how it is growing over time. This information is useful for forecasting future revenue and planning for scaling.

What are the different types of installs?

  1. Organic Installs - Organic installs are app installations that are not the result of paid advertising or promotion. These installs occur when users discover the app through means other than paid advertising, such as through search results, the App Store recommendations, or word-of-mouth. Organic installs are usually more valuable than paid installs, as there is little to no cost involved and can be seen as a sign of the app's popularity and quality.

  2. Paid Installs - Paid installs are app installations that are the result of paid advertising or promotion. These installs are counted when users are exposed to an ad for the app and choose to download, install and open it on their device. Paid installs can be an effective way for app developers to reach new users and increase the visibility and popularity of their app.

What are important install metrics?

These are the most common install metrics tracked by mobile developers and mobile marketers:

  1. Total installs
  2. Daily Active Users (DAU)
  3. Monthly Active Users (MAU)
    4. Retention Rate (RR)
  4. Cost-per Install (Acquisition cost)

How can I measure app installs with Tenjin?

Tenjin’s attribution technology enables marketers to gain valuable insights into how users are engaging with apps and helps determine the source of these users. Our dashboard let's you measure both tracked installs and reported installs. You can read more about it here.

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